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Train 4025066 (C75938) 1U32 13:13 Crewe to Euston

Update ID355 20/02/24 19:35:00
Created20/02/24 19:35:00
Bank holiday running
STP IndicatorPPermanent
Train UIDC75938
UIC code
Days runsSa
Schedule Dates08/06/24 - 14/12/24
Signalling ID1U32
Deduced headcode
Train categoryXXExpress Passenger
TOC Headcode1032
Train service code22330000
Business Sector
Power typeEMU Electric Multiple Unit
Timing Load506
Operating Characteristics
Usual Allocation
Seating ClassSStandard only.
Connection Indicator
Catering Code
Service Branding
Train StatusPPassenger
LocationTimes WTT(Public)PlatPath-LineAllowancesActivities
Crewe d. 13:13(13:13) 7 - FL Train begins.
Crewe Basford Hall Junctionp. 13:15½
Madeley (Staffs)p. 13:19½ FL - FLEng: 1
Norton Bridgep. 13:26½ FL - FL
Stafforda. 13:31(13:31) d. 13:32(13:32) 1FL - FL Stops to take up and set down passengers.
Colwichp. 13:37½ FL - SL
Rugeley North Junctionp. 13:39½ SL - SL
Rugeley Trent Valleya. 13:41(13:41) d. 13:42(13:42) 3 Stops to take up and set down passengers.
Lichfield North Junction Low Levelp. 13:47½ SL - SL
Lichfield Trent Valley Low Levela. 13:48½(13:49) d. 13:49½(13:49) 2 Stops to take up and set down passengers.
Tamworth Low Levela. 13:55(13:55) d. 13:56(13:56) Stops to take up and set down passengers.
Amington Junctionp. 13:57½ SL - SL
Atherstonea. 14:03½(14:04) d. 14:04½(14:04) Stops to take up and set down passengers.
Nuneatona. 14:10(14:10) d. 14:11(14:11) 5SL - SLEng: 1 Stops to take up and set down passengers.
Rugby Trent Valley Junctionp. 14:24½ SL - UNL
Rugbya. 14:26(14:26) d. 14:27½(14:27) 5UNL - FL Stops to take up and set down passengers.
Hillmorton Junctionp. 14:29
Weedonp. 14:36 FL - FL
Hanslope Junctionp. 14:43½ FL - FL
Milton Keynes Centrala. 14:48(14:48) d. 14:49(14:49) 4FL - FL Stops to take up and set down passengers.
Bletchleyp. 14:52 2FL - FL
Ledburn Junctionp. 14:57½ FL - FLEng: 1
Tringp. 15:01½ 2FL - FL
Bourne End Junctionp. 15:05 FL - FL
Watford Junctionp. 15:09½ 7FL - FL
Harrow & Wealdstonep. 15:13 4FL - FL
Wembley Centralp. 15:15 4Eng: 1
Willesden West London Junctionp. 15:17½ FL - FL
Camden Junctionp. 15:20½ - A
Camden South Junctionp. 15:21
Eustona. 15:24(15:24) 6 Train finishes.

Change en route at Rugby

UIC code
Signalling ID1U32
Train categoryXXExpress Passenger
TOC Headcode
Train service code22209000
Power typeEMU Electric Multiple Unit
Timing Load506
Operating Characteristics
Seating ClassSStandard only.
Connection Indicator
Catering Code
Service Branding
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Completed at 05/10/24 09:22:51 by liverail R4916q at sulzer. Elapsed time 96 ms.

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