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Train 4029148 (H19817) 6O16 06:58 Ditton Foundry Lane AHC English Welsh & Scottish Railway to Wembley European Freight Operations Centre

Update ID355 20/02/24 19:35:00
Created20/02/24 19:35:00
Bank holiday running
STP IndicatorPPermanent
Train UIDH19817
UIC code46455
Days runsSa
Schedule Dates08/06/24 - 14/12/24
Signalling ID6O16
Deduced headcode
Train categoryH3Unrecognised
TOC Headcode
Train service code57610316
Business Sector
Power typeD Diesel
Timing Load1800
Operating CharacteristicsYRuns to Terminals/Yards as required
Usual Allocation
Seating Class 
Connection Indicator
Catering Code
Service Branding
Train StatusFFreight
LocationTimes WTT(Public)PlatPath-LineAllowancesActivities
Ditton Foundry Lane AHC English Welsh & Scottish Railway d. 06:58 Train begins.
Ditton Reception Sidingsa. 07:03 d. 07:05 Stops for other operating reasons.
Ditton West Junctionp. 07:07 - SL
Speke Junctionp. 07:13
SPEKE WEST JNp. 07:13½
GARSTON GOODS LINESa. 07:16½ d. 07:47 DGG Reversing movement or driver changes ends.
Stops for other operating reasons.
SPEKE WEST JN [2]p. 07:48
Speke Junction [2]p. 07:48½ - SL
Ditton West Junction [2]p. 07:56½
Ditton Reception Sidings [2]a. 07:58½ d. 08:32 Stops for other operating reasons.
Ditton (later Ditton East Junction)p. 08:35
Runcornp. 08:40 1
Halton Junctionp. 08:42 Eng: 1 Path: 2
Weaver Junctionp. 08:51½ - FL
Acton Bridgep. 08:53½
Hartford Junctionp. 08:55½
Winsfordp. 09:02 - SLEng: 1
Crewe Coal Yardp. 09:13 - IL
Crewe Salop Goods Junctionp. 09:18
Crewe Signal NH10/12p. 09:21 UFI
Crewe Sorting Sidings Northp. 09:21½ - UTS
BASFORD HALL UTS STOPa. 09:24 d. 10:56 UTS Stops to change trainmen.
Stops or shunts for other trains to pass.
Crewe Basford Hall Junctionp. 11:00 - SL
Madeley (Staffs)p. 11:13 SL - SL
Staffordp. 11:32½ 4SL - SL
Stafford Trent Valley Junctionp. 11:33½
Whitehouse Junctiona. 11:38½ d. 11:49 - FL Stops or shunts for other trains to pass.
Colwichp. 11:56 FL - SL
Rugeley North Junctionp. 12:00 SL - SL
Lichfield North Junction Low Levelp. 12:08 SL - SL
Amington Junctionp. 12:16½ SL - SL
Nuneatonp. 12:29½ 5SL - SLEng: 1
Rugby Trent Valley Junctionp. 12:46½ SL - UGL
Rugby Up Goods Line Signal RN4182a. 12:48½ d. 12:53½ Stops for other operating reasons.
Rugbya. 12:55 d. 12:58 6 - UNL Stops to change trainmen.
Stops or shunts for other trains to pass.
Hillmorton Junctionp. 13:01
Daventry North Junctionp. 13:05
Long Buckbyp. 13:12 Eng: 1
Northamptonp. 13:24 UML
Hanslope Junctionp. 13:40½ - SL
Milton Keynes Centralp. 13:47½ 1SL - SL
Denbigh Hall South Junctionp. 13:50
Bletchleyp. 13:51½ 4SL - SL
Ledburn Junctionp. 14:01½ SL - SLEng: 1
Tringp. 14:10½ 5SL - SL
Bourne End Junctionp. 14:16½ SL - SL
Watford Junctionp. 14:25½ 9SL - SL
Harrow & Wealdstonep. 14:31½ 6SL - SLEng: 1 Path: ½
Wembley Centralp. 14:38 6Path: 1
Wembley European Freight Operations Centrea. 14:44 Train finishes.
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